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When you drive down the highway in North Carolina, chances are you'll see big trucks carrying some type of freight or payload. Trucks make it possible for businesses to move and receive goods and we would not be able to buy and sell without them. If you own trucks in your business, they need special insurance and it's important to make sure you have not only enough coverage, but the right kind of coverage. Without protection like liability and insurance, your business could be taking huge financial risks. Let's take the example or Herman R.

Herman loved to travel and when he got the chance to drive a big rig over the road, he was in heaven. In fact, after a few years of driving for a common carrier, Herman decided to buy a big rig and be his own boss. He loved his truck and the freedom it provided him. While Herman was out on the road, he felt like a free bird in flight.

Herman was not schooled on matters of insurance and business risk management, but he remembered something his father taught him years ago. You don't have to know it all, if you can get people around you that know it all. When Herman needed to insure his truck he turned to an independent insurance agent.

Together Herman and his agent went over all his trucking insurance requirements, and he received a comprehensive policy designed to protect his truck, business, and financial future. After a few years, this business strategy paid off big time for Herman.

A few months ago, Herman was on the road when the streets suddenly became very icy. This made it almost impossible to stop and his truck ended up plowing into several cars. One of the cars was a new stretch limo full of passengers. The damages were extensive and so was the damage to Herman's truck.

Herman was uninjured but several others involved in the accident were not so lucky. The total claims came to several million dollars, and this was all covered by Herman's transportation insurance. Plus, the load Herman was hauling was severely damaged and could not be delivered. Thankfully, his inland marine coverage paid for the damages. Herman realized that day, having the right insurance can make the difference between failure and success.


Coverage for big trucks is unique because it is commercial insurance and a type of auto insurance combined. It includes inland marine insurance, as well as other coverage options.


Trucking coverage is important for a number of businesses. Here are some of the businesses that should have this special insurance:

  • Freight companies
  • Businesses with delivery fleets
  • Owner operators
  • Construction companies
  • Contractors
  • Car haulers
  • Dump truck services
  • Garbage services
  • Cement truck services
  • Local and long haul truckers


Trucking and transport businesses should consider liability coverage and it should be in excess of a million dollars. Plus, these things are usually included:

  • Comprehensive - covers many non-traffic accident claims
  • Collision - pays for damage to your truck if you or your driver is at fault.
  • Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage
  • Inland marine insurance - this is very important as it protects cargo in transit. Standard vehicle insurance does not usually cover cargo. Inland marine coverage can also cover equipment you haul to a job site (contractors).
  • Worker compensation - if you have employees this coverage is necessary.


You may need several insurance options depending on the nature of your business. For example:

  • Warehouse liability coverage - important for warehousing companies
  • Freight charge coverage - sometimes freight charges cannot be received when goods are damaged. This insurance will reimburse you.
  • Cargo theft insurance - covers materials stolen from your trucks (before delivery)
  • Umbrella Coverage - additional liability and can cover liability insurance claims in excess of normal limits.
  • On-hook liability insurance - if your business includes towing vehicles, you need to protect them from damage while in tow.
  • Commercial property insurance - protects your office or other business structures you own.
  • Disability insurance - important for owner operators


If you want the right kind of coverage, talk to an independent insurance professional. Your independent agent at Charlotte Insurance has years of experience with truck insurance and because your agent is independent you can receive insurance from some of the top insurers in the country.

Charlotte insurance also provides important risk management assessments and we will review all of your coverage and help you find the solutions to all your transportation insurance. We have been serving clients since 1992 and are here to help you save money on the best possible insurance.

A dependable insurance policy for all trucking professionals is an absolute must.  Whether you’re in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Virginia, or the rest of the United States, talk to Charlotte Insurance about getting the right protection. To get in touch with our agents, call us or stop by one of our North Carolina offices to meet us in person today. For a free, no-obligation quote, fill out our web form. You may also email us at [email protected].